Je fleurirai [I will bloom], wool and tulle, ephemeral intervention on an abandoned grave in the Robermont Cemetery, November 2009
The artists met in 2008 and directly began a dialog on the process of mourning, which resulted in an outdoor intervention carried out at the Robermont Cemetery in november 2009.
ALCEA ROSEA I (detail), textile installation, variable dimensions, galerie Flux, Liège, June 2015.
In 2014-2015, the collaboration led to a four hands textile project first presented at the galerie Flux (Liège). This proposal questions the moving identity of the self, the use of emblems, and the confusion between private and public spheres.
ALCEA ROSEA I (detail), textile installation, variable dimensions, galerie Flux, Liège, June 2015.
In 2014-2015, the collaboration led to a four hands textile project first presented at the galerie Flux (Liège). This proposal questions the moving identity of the self, the use of emblems, and the confusion between private and public spheres.